In that year INGEAR makes another big leap forward in several areas. Crossing the landmark of 300,000Euros of donations is just one step in this financially very successful year: thanks to lots of new members, the reliable long-time donors and supporters, and due to successful events – including a once again perfectly organized campaign of the Regensburg branch at the Ostengassenfest – INGEAR’s financial cushion is comfortable enough for the decision of accepting a new project in the fall of 2014.

The Fruitful Talent Center, which is accompanied by Regensburg member Katharina Preischl, is a facility for orphans, including a pre-school, in Kibera/Nairobi, Kenya. And there’s lots of progress within existing projects as well; among them the co-financing of the expansion of the hospital in India and many improvements in INGEAR’s Class of Hope, especially thanks to the help of the high number of volunteers.

Besides the yearly regulars like school projects and fundraising events we also started new forms of acquiring donations, like successful crowd-funding campaigns. The 8th annually INGEAR week-end seminar, with participants from several German states, takes place in Munich that year.

We hope we can keep on counting on your support, so our campaigns will stay as successful as they are and thereby we’ll be able to keep up the support for our projects. Just participate or support us financially.

At more and more schools events for and with INGEAR take place – it’s especially great to have INGEAR@school-projects for all kinds of schools, be it elementary- and middle-schools or High Schools and grammar schools.

The number of volunteers for INGEAR projects is constantly rising as well. This is one reason why the INGEAR Class of Hope moves into another, larger, building, which also includes a shop, in October 2013, and keeps on growing.

2013 is the 4th year in a row in which at least 45,000Euros have been donated to INGEAR, which makes sure the money for the projects is used as it is meant to be.

Furthermore – as in the two years before – there will again be two week-end seminars, during which there will be worked on future plans.

geschichte_2012_1Besides many charity campaigns there will be held two week-end seminars again, during which active members of the club improve the working structure and talk about future campaigns and projects.

With their contribution to the Ostengassenfest in Regensburg in 2012 (stage, bar, information desk), the Regensburg branch organizes the biggest INGEAR event of the year und wins over many new helpers.

geschichte_2012_2Fundraising campaigns are enlarged (donation booths, member acquiring campaigns) and school-projects take place. The volunteer agency program/project develops just fine: in 2012 INGEAR has three volunteers for more than three months respectively in its projects.
Financially speaking, 2012 has been the most successful year so far, because INGEAR managed to double its membership.

INGEAR celebrates its 5th anniversary with a big charity-night in the Gotischer Kasten in Gern/Eggenfelden and in the meantime has transformed itself into an organization with different working fields.

After Oliver Schwab and Veronika Strauß have stayed in the project in Sri Lanka for several months, the family-help program is about to be established: It’s a kind of support-network which guarantees the poorest families basic services and their children’s school attendance in Galle/Sri Lanka.

geschichte_2011Moreover, INGEAR is now offering an official volunteer agency program for two projects (Sri Lanka and India).

The 3rd annual Sommerloch Open Air in Massing is organized and hosted in cooperation with the Jugendtreff Massing and has, for the first time, a band contest prior to the event itself, which takes place in the Club Platinum in Eggenfelden. In August 2011 Bayern2 airs a report on INGEAR and informs its listeners about our work and projects.
Due to the increased workload there are two week-end seminars in January and August, during which INGEAR board members and active members are planning the organization’s future.

We deeply regret to inform you that we have to end the cooperation with our project in Sri Lanka, which can’t, after a change of management, guarantee the kind of financial transparency INGEAR demands. But we establish a new project there: INGEAR Class of Hope, a life-practical school for adolescents with disabilities, who will receive two years of individual preparation for daily life and professional life after their graduation. The first INGEAR-only project is a success story from the beginning and develops excellently.
Furthermore some school projects and many different charity events take place, the membership numbers are on the rise und the amount of donations (all-in-all more than 55,000€ in 2011) is growing constantly.

geschichte_2010_1INGEAR becomes a member of the Social Initiatives Regensburg and is now working for social betterment in an association with 19 other clubs.

Besies many school projects and charity events, it’s especially the co-organizing of the Gassenfest in Regensburg – where INGEAR is running the mainstage together with SoliGol e.V. – helps to increase the number of members.

The so far biggest INGEAR Club-Party takes place in SILO in Töging. 900 guests are partying and get information about INGEAR. INGEAR incorporates the Centre Wikwiheba Mwana in Ngarama/Rwanda as its 4th project. Katharina Huber volunteers in this facility for disabled people for a whole year.

geschichte_2010_2INGEAR is co-financing the establishment of the Centre and pays for the basic services for the children as well as the employees’ wages.

There is a report about INGEAR on Bayerisches Fernsehen in November.

geschichte_2009_1Thanks to the 2nd Sommerloch Open Air in Massing INGEAR can push its level of popularity and wins many new members. Almost 3,000 people are partying for the good cause.

Another branch is established in Regensburg in August 2009, which informs about INGEAR with a variety of events at Regensburg University and its different campuses and also supports the projects in South Africa and Sri Lanka.

geschichte_2009_2Board member Sebastian Luibl serves as an internee in Nityaseva Hospital, India, as a part of his medical studies – by now the 3rd project. INGEAR finances the training of the nurses and supports the hospital in general.

geschichte_2008INGEAR broadens its activities: the first big school project takes place (Hauptschule Eichendorf, grades 5 to 9), with INGEAR Royal the club is reaching out to new target groups and presents itself at several events in Altötting county. Membership numbers are still on the rise.

geschichte_2007 For the first time there are information and charity events outside the Rottal region ( in Regensburg, where some of the board members are studying) and the number of active as well as passive supporters is rising, that’s why INGEAR can adopt the project for people with disabilities in Galle/Sri Lanka, where Christoph Schmidtke is working for several months. Disabled people can receive school education there.

By co-organizing the charity-open-air Sommerloch 2007 with the Youth Club Massing at the local indoor swimming-pool area, INGEAR popularizes itself over county borders. There are also radio broadcasts about the event and INGEAR’s work on Bayern 2 and Radio Trausnitz.

geschichte_2006After a long time of planning, INGEAR finally received its status as a registered and charitable association. The first project chosen is an orphanage for children who lost their parents through aids which was visited by Johannes Prinz and Andreas Huber in 2005. The support goes to the orphanage itself and the medical treatment of persons infected with HIV.

The very successful first INGEAR charity party in the Youth Club of Eggenfelden is followed by several other events and lecturing evenings, which help popularizing INGEAR in the Eggenfelden area.

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